
Smartnode Guide

Decentralized blockchain infrastructure comprises several types of nodes that provide the network with transparency and security. Nodes are also in charge of running software for the blockchain, effectively implementing a cryptocurrency’s functionalities and predetermined rules. Nodes also maintain a given cryptocurrency’s distributed ledger of public transactions and verify any new transactions. Smartnodes, in particular, are a type of node that plays a specific role in managing and governing a blockchain’s protocol. More info about smartnode reward table can be found at whitepaper.

How To Setup Smartnode
Before you get started you will need a VPS ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 server, a Anokas wallet, and at least 20001 ANOK for collateral address and 1 ANOK for transfer fee address. The VPS server should have at least 1 GB of ram 1 cpu cores.

Step 1 - Prep Local Wallet

• Download and unzip the latest Anokas wallet here

• Begin by opening the wallet and allowing it to complete the syncing process.

• Next, secure your wallet by encrypting it through the "Settings" menu and selecting "Encrypt Wallet."

• Generate a new receiving address within the wallet.

• It is crucial to create a backup of your wallet.dat file. To do this, navigate to "File" and choose "Backup Wallet." Make sure to store this backup in multiple secure locations.

• Send 20000 ANOK to the receiving wallet address that you generated (this is the current collateral amount for ANOK smartnode).

• Wait for 2 confirmation to complete the transaction.

Step 2 - Confirm Transaction

Below is an example of what the “protx quick_setup” command should look like. You can copy the example below into a Notepad and edit it with your values.

protx quick_setup "TXN_ID from smartnode outputs" "1" "VPS_IP:9627" "WALLET_FEE_ADDRESS"

Transaction ID: In your wallet, go to "Transactions," right-click the one you sent yourself earlier, and "Copy Transaction ID." Replace the Transaction ID in the example.

Collateral index: Go to "Tools" > "Debug console." Type "smartnode outputs" to check if it's 1 or 0. Adjust the example command if needed.

Your smartnode server IP and port: Replace the example IP with your Smartnode server. Keep the port as 9627.

Fee address: This should be any address in your wallet that contains enough ANOK to pay the fee (cannot be the address to which you sent the 20000 ANOK). When you enter the "protx quick_setup" command, it is considered a transaction and requires a small fee. 0.1 ANOK is enough. In the Debug console, use "listaddressbalances" to display all addresses with a balance, choose one, and replace the address in the example command.

Execute the "protx quick_setup" command within the Debug console. This action will generate a .conf file for that specific node in the directory where the wallet is currently located. Open the file and copy its contents for further use.

Step 3 - Setup VPS

Download the Linux wallet files to the VPS. Move the anokasd and anokas-cli binaries to the /usr/bin/ directory. Create the anokas.conf file:

mkdir ~/.anokascore && touch ~/.anokascore/anokas.conf

Paste the contents you copied from the .conf file generated during the execution of the "protx" command in step 2. After pasting, save the changes and exit the file.

Enable UFW, open ports

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp

sudo ufw allow 9732/tcp

sudo ufw allow 9627/tcp

Start the anokas daemon:


To see if your masternode is running successfully, run:

./anokas-cli smartnode status


How To enable coin control features and smartnodes tab: Open your Anokas wallet, Click Settings - Options - Wallet. Enabled coin control features - Enable show smartnodes tab. OK. Close your wallet and open again.


If you feel want stop smartnode and send all balance. Open your anokas wallet - click Send - click Inputs - Unlock unspent.


Short Video How To Setup Smartnodes :

Smartnode owner benefit

- Does not necessarily require an operator to have expensive cryptocurrency mining gear.
- Just need 20001 Anokas coin for collateral.
- Receiving 30% of block rewards.
